Reasons Why We Don't Reach Our Goals

By Ani Davidsen

We know we should have goals. So we go about setting goals. So why then don't we magically reach our goals? Here's several reasons why:
1- We fail to even Begin!....Just start! We tend to let procrastination get the better of us. We over think. Try starting anywhere, but somewhere. Steps add up. You have to take the first step. Success is achieved by taking steps. A step can make the difference between reaching a goal or not, achievement vs. just a dream. One step leads to another step, and the momentum begins. You break down some of those limiting barriers that you have in your mind, with each step you take.
2-We daydream about our future far too much, rather than taking action. If you are focusing on a fantasy future, you are not in the NOW, getting the job done. When you fantasize too much you are "banking" the future, you already have it in the bank and you are seeing how you will spend everything, rather than focusing on getting it Now is what you have.
We also expect everything to run smoothly, for our plans to just fall in place, Life has it's bumps in the road. Plans go amiss. So put your attention on the steps you take to reach your goal not the fantasized outcome. Visualize the process not the outcome.
Focus on being positive in the now, working on your goals, rather than putting the emphasis on where you want to be. You can't wait to be positive only when you finally have achieved what you fantasize about. Stay present, stay in the now. There is where you are, and where you have work to do.
3-We don't know why we set the goal. Know what your ultimate direction is. Goals are set for a purpose, a direction, a destination. What is that purpose? What is your direction? What's the point? What is the aim of the goal in the first place? If goals are unworthy, not thought out, mis-directed, or otherwise just bad, you won't be committed to them, they won't be attainable because you won't have the enthusiasm, the motivation, the foundation to see them through. Goals can be too difficult, too easy, too short-term, just too goals at once, and simply not worth your time. Know why you are setting a goal.
4-We are not committed enough to the goal. This goes along with daydreaming about the end result too much. You have this great fantasy of what you want your life to look like, but take a reality check, this is where you are NOW, and this is where you want to go. What is in between is the gap you need to close. You are doing a mental contrast...what you want vs where you are now. This helps you commit to closing that gap. You know the challenge ahead...closing the gap.
5-We lose track where we are. Keep assessing your progress. Look at what your goal is and then the task at hand. When the task is difficult focus on that, when it is an easy task focus on the end goal, when near completion again focus on the end goal. Keep the challenge in mind. Know what you are working on, what the challenge is, what the gap is between where you are and where you want to be.
6-Don't give up and succumb to the negative thinking. When the going gets tough, the negative thinking can creep in. You may start procrastinating getting things done. You may just give up or sabotage your target goal even more. Stop. Absorb yourself in the details of a project you are working. Re-direct your focus onto something detailed and specific, a task to do. Set a deadline to get it done.
7-We waste time. Are you using your time wisely. Are you doing things our of habit, is it an unconscious behavior? Or are you just making yourself appear busy? Are your actions getting you closer to your goal? Consider time management skills. Consider mindful actions rather than busy work. As the saying goes, time is money, you don't get it back. Use it wisely with conscious actions.
8-We don't take time to reassess. Assess, Assess, Assess. If you are going in the wrong direction, change directions, If something isn't working, stop what you are doing, change. Don't waste time and money on something that isn't working. Just because you have put time and money into something doesn't mean it will succeed. If the method, the plan, the tactic isn't working....change it! Have a back-up plan or plans for the unexpected. Have strategies, plural, that could be put in place. When you have an obstacle, have or find ways around it. Don't get stuck.
9-Don't just rely on yourself. Have a team. Have a mentor, a coach, a consultant. Get outside advice. You can't do things alone. Have a system. Delegate what you can. Contact me for more details.

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