Is it Time to Relieve Your Stress?

By Mary L. LaBay

A night out at the comedy club will help. But there is lasting help available too.
Plenty to worry about - but is it worth it?
No doubt about it. There are plenty of reasons all around us to be stressed and depressed. There are wars, flu outbreaks, lay-offs, government and industry corruption. Closer to home there are financial issues, relationship troubles - and what about that golf score!
Life does not have to be like this. We do not have to be side-tracked by all this noise, and allow our dreams of happiness to fade into the background. There is another way.
So what is bugging you? What prevents you from experiencing peace and joy?
You can live "in the zone" no matter what else is happening. You can maintain your center and your focus regardless of the commotion around you.
No, you do not have to be a hermit, live in a monastery, give up your worldly goods or meditate all day. You can achieve balance and well-being in the midst of your busy life.
Getting Relief It starts with a strong a solid foundation, a mental state that aligns with reality (not one that avoids it), and a true sense of who you are, where you are going, and how you will choose the path that will get you there.
I work with a full range of people, from executives and celebrities to their friends and spouses. All are "normal" in that they do not have severe mental illness, and yet all are searching to improve their lives, change their habits, get health issues under control, and achieve their goals of sustainable health and happiness...and maybe even improve their sports performance.
Many would call what I do life coaching or spiritual coaching. In many eras and cultures it would mean a trip to the wise woman or the shaman.
With the evolution of psycho-spiritual techniques, coupled with the ever unfolding knowledge of physics and, at the other end of the spectrum, intuitive understanding, the possibilities of what can be achieved have exploded exponentially!
And while alleviating stress may seem like a luxury that will be given attention when things are going better, you may want to know about this research that I included in my doctoral dissertation.
Groundbreaking research: While there may be environmental causes of ailments, there is compelling evidence of the underlying psychological and emotional connections to these physical expressions. A 30-year study by Psychologists Suzanne C. Segerstrom, Ph.D., and Gregory E. Miller, Ph.D., revealed, "Stressful events reliably associate with changes in the immune system and...characteristics of those events are important in determining the kind of change that occurs."
In other words, the nature of the stress incurred will determine the nature of the resulting condition. Hence, by starting with the type and nature of a person's stress, through any presenting evidence, a pathway can be followed directly to the underlying, specific, root or cause.
And while there are innumerable ways a person can experience stress, years of research and case studies in my own office have revealed that the root of this stress is typically, at the most fundamental levels, a misalignment between a person's true core values and their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. This difference may be noticeable when comparing the bright, shiny essence that a human was created to be, as opposed to the everyday experience of being bound to act or live a certain way due to tradition, expectations, duty, obligation, or misconceptions about reality.
How About You? Are you willing to let today's stress become tomorrow's illness, quirk or dysfunction? Or do you see the value of planting your life firmly on solid ground NOW because that will be reflected in all that you do, think, feel, and experience for the rest of your life?
You may already know what needs to change, and just want help making it happen quickly and easily. Or you may want to shine light on areas of your life that remained elusive.
Don't worry - you don't need to know how it will happen. That is my job! All you have to do is tell me what is lacking in your life and what you would rather have going on. Leave the rest to the techniques and skills of hypnotherapy, NLP, empathic sensing, and shamanic style tools and wisdom that I have gathered and honed over the past 30 years.
The experience will surely be life-changing! Recent clients have received help with overcoming fear of flying, chronic migraines, a sense of doom, addictions, low self-esteem, personal boundaries, decision making skills, public speaking, fear of elevators, blocks to prosperity, childhood sexual abuse, and relationship name a few. We even lowered one man's golf score by 17 points from his previous average! And there is always the self-discovery through past life regression, communicating with spirit guides, soul retrieval, soul journeys, and learning to achieve that state of connection with your own higher self.
Even surprising benefits will show up. A client who had recently experienced a past life regression reported that he no longer had his usual allergic reaction to cats, even though he had been exposed to them for over 2 hours. and we never even touched on that subject during our session. Who knows?
For more information, please visit on the website:
Author Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D., has a doctorate in Behavioral Psychology, offers private hypnosis sessions, products, workshops and certification training focusing on hypnosis, self-discovery and alignment with your unique purpose and path. Visit or contact her at

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