Increase Your Self Confidence And Stop Caring What Others Think

By Lee Tuan James
One of the hardest things to get past is worrying about what other people think of us. Now to totally stop caring what others think about us wouldn't be right. If one didn't care at all what others thought, one would be more prone to doing things that would hurt others or be morally wrong. But often we worry more about what others think than we should. A big reason we worry about what others think is because we base our identity on how others see us.
In order to stop caring what others think we need to put things in to perspective somewhat. We only live our lives once, so is it really worth it to spend most of it worrying about what others are thinking about us? As long as we are behaving in a legal and moral way, then what others think about what we are doing is nothing more than their opinion. Opinions are just that, opinions. They are neither right, nor wrong. They are simply one persons thoughts on a subject.
One way to work towards learning how to stop caring what others think is to become more confident in our own choices, decisions and actions. When you become more confident in what yourself and your decisions, then what others think begins to not matter near as much to you. You start to see it for what it is, their opinion. If someone doesn't like something you wear, or how you cut your hair, that is their opinion. It doesn't mean you were wrong for wearing the outfit or cutting your hair.
While there are several different methods and ways of learning to stop caring what others think the best one is to simply work on increasing your self confidence. When you are confident in who you are and in the choices you make, then others opinions and what they think cease to concern you. It can be hard sometimes to get that self confidence, but it is one of the best ways to overcome worrying about what other people are thinking. And when you are no longer worried, you are truly free to be the real you.
For those who want to increase self confidence and stop caring about what others think, professional subliminal messages or hypnosis downloads can help one to stop worrying, overcome social anxiety and start enjoying life - quickly and easily.
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  1. What about in interview situations where we really do want to impress and care about what people think of us.

  2. I agree Lee Tuan James, It is counter productive to worry about what other people think of us. When we become too concerned with their opnion we end up living a life THEY want us to. We are chasing out side approval. There is no more maddening or detrimental existence then that.
    Lisa Fryar, we need to care about and impress those people, i.e. - in an interview type situation, that share our views and motives in life. These people can become/are part of, our support group whether they are friends now or friends we have yet to make. But most of the world can think what they want, and they will reguardless of you or me. They have their own support groups of which we are not a part - and that's ok. Danny L Churchill -
