Fine-Tune Your Focus for Health, Wealth and Happiness

By Allison Bright

"One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power." Anthony Robbins

Shine your torch well.

Our focus is like a torch light that we can choose to shine on the muck or magnificence of our life. Our mind takes in two million pieces of information each moment and process only 134 pieces. The 134 pieces chosen depends largely on what we focus on, which affects our thoughts. Our thoughts affect our attitudes, and our attitudes become our personality. Hence we easily turn into grumpy old men and women if we constantly practice spotlighting the negative in life.

Put your rose-coloured glasses away. 
Focusing on the positive and good in our lives doesn't mean putting on rose- coloured glasses. If the car has a flat tire you don't keep driving and being grateful for the other three! If there is a problem, focusing and acting on the solution is effective and empowering.

The snowball of feelings. 
If we focus on what we lack, we cause ourselves to feel unhappy and sometimes self pity. These feelings can snowball to envy and resentment which then damage our personal and work relationships. We can miss out on adventures and new experiences because our focus is on our inadequacies and what might go wrong. We can lose energy and enthusiasm. Negative thoughts create negative energy which is stored in our cells and can lead to ill-health.

What we focus on is what we get.
Our subconscious mind works with pictures and will try to manifest whatever you download into it - garbage in, garbage out. Focusing on images of lack creates more lack. Focusing on a healthy image of yourself creates better health. Our focus is the creator of our future.

Focus on Floods 
It's important to focus on the good when times are tough. During the challenges of the South East Queensland floods there were stories of amazing support, survival, community spirit, and inner strength. Focusing on the positive doesn't minimize the devastation of events, but it does help to ease some of the emotional pain associated with it.

How do we focus on the good in life?

o By deliberately looking for the good in all situations until it becomes a habit.

Focus on your wealth not your bills.

Focus on your achievements not your limitations.

Focus on the attributes of your partner and children not their faults.

o Writing a grateful list daily helps build this new habit. Choose ten things to be grateful for each day. Children enjoy the game of finding something to be happy about that starts with each letter of the alphabet, going from A - Z.

o Compare yourself and your situation with someone less fortunate.

o Focusing on this day only and try not to solve all of life's problems in one day.

o Focus on the abundance of the universe.

o Focus on what you do want, not on what you don't want.

o Focus on the solution not the problem.

Deliberately highlighting the brighter side of life leads to greater health, wealth and happiness.

Allison Bright from Bright Life Coaching specializes in Work Life Balance solutions. She enlightens and empowers her clients towards valuable insights and practical answers to their everyday work life balance challenges.

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