Becoming Who I Was Supposed to Be and Liking It

By Diane P Ram

We can all make the choice to be the best version of ourselves. How do we know who that is? I have always believed that we know in our "soul bowls" when we are not being kind or thoughtful to another. Rely on the inner you to guide the outer you.
I have been on a journey of inner discovery for the last 3 years. I didn't realize I had embarked down this road until now. It is through the personal growth and development that I now see and feel the changes within. Changes that needed to happen for me to redefine my integrity and character. It is easy to get lost in the chaos that is around us. We have become followers of many. I suggest that we look to ourselves to facilitate the change and stop looking to blame others. I had read something years ago that has stayed with me, when it comes to guilt a bad person looks to blame another while a good person looks to themselves. Those are words to live by.
Always leading with your best foot forward will ensure better results. Of course we all get tripped up from time to time. That is where the work can happen. It is through the recognition of the mistake that we will have the inner growth. We are all human and far from perfect. Perfection is not possible and not necessary. What is necessary is being who you were meant to be. We were all meant to be special and unique. Unlike another. Find what sets you apart and makes you... YOU! Then be willing to improve that model every day.
My growth started internally with the recognition that I could learn to navigate social media simply by clicking and learning. Initially I was fearful of the social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Xing, Plaxo to name a few. My fears were unfounded because my ability to learn grew exponentially as my confidence in myself grew.
I quickly saw the potential these sites offered me for personal branding. I also recognized the power in the people around me. What could I learn from another. For instance, through the internet I was introduced to a gentleman named Douglas Halfpenny. Doug has become a teacher and mentor of the internet. Utilize those who are willing. Piggy back on each others strengths. Where Doug was strong, I was weak but willing to learn and vise versa. The key here is the conquering of a fear. Fears can stop us dead in our tracks. Facing a fear head on will open new avenues for personal growth. It is through the adversity of the fear that your confidence will flourish. It will flourish like a bud of a flower from the warmth of the sun. Your inner you will have a reason to be proud. Having the desire to improve every day will keep you grounded. It will make you more self-aware.
I had no idea how much room I had to grow. I thought I was who I was supposed to be. I sit here at 43 years old knowing that I am better today than I was three years ago. I look into my future with hope. I have confidence in my capacity as a person. I want to help others become the best they can be. Imagine living in a world with the motto, "People helping people to be their best." We could conquer anything. We would stand united. That is something to look forward too.
Diane Ram is the Earn-At-Home-Mom. Diane is willing to coach and mentor other stay at home moms to become work from home moms.

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